Daniel M. True
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“I Walked With God . . . and Still Do” is the autobiography of Daniel M. “Danny” True, who grew up in the Gap during his first 25 years (1938-1962) and continuing, over the years, to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This book has much regarding life in the Gap in those pre- and post-War days, and some of the changes that have been made in bringing the area out of the “Dark Ages”. There is much humor, various “tales” and a Spiritual (Christian) “thread” through-out! This is a non-fiction book!
It is available in two formats: as an digital e-Book (pdf) or the recently-completed Audio Book, recorded in Danny’s own voice.
This is Danny’s first full-length book, along with three shorter “articles” booklets in addition to regular articles and postings on his personal website: DannyTrue.com.

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