Dr. Shiv Navani
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Dr. Navani, a practicing radiologist at Wellmont Lonesome Pine Hospital, Big Stone Gap, Va., has published his first book titled Happiness (Demystified). This pocket sized book contains a partial collection of inspirational sayings displayed over the years on a bulletin board in Dr. Navani’s WLPH office.
Dr. Navani has been collecting thoughts on happiness for more than 20 years. As a physician, he said, it’s impossible to ignore the relationship between happiness, a healthy body and wholesome character.

For seekers of happiness, this book has inestimably precious text that is admirably illustrated by rich and colorful illustrations.
In the Author’s Note at the beginning of the book, Dr. Navani writes that he is “seized with the idea of sharing my feelings and thoughts on happiness with readers, yearning to achieve happiness in their individual lives.”
“Happiness implies that you are on the right path,” Dr. Navani says, “and that you’re walking on a higher ground.”
“No evil person is happy.”
Happiness (Demystified) has been warmly received by both the community and medical collegues. He hopes the book will eventually command a wider circulation.
Although each of the thoughts and sayings in Happiness (Demystified) has special meaning to Dr. Navani, he acknowledges on particular favorite.
Like Rays of the Sun, We are All One
Just as Sea is one although each wave is different.
So is Live One although its expressions are different.
Happiness (Demystified) will always have a special meaning for all who read it and this book will require many re-visits for continuing personal and spiritual growth.
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